A start-up company 3Commas Technologies OÜ was established in 2017. In spite of the fact that the main activity of the company is concentrated in Estonia, its head office is in Canada.

The main goal of the company is to create flexible and efficient innovative products in the field of cloud data transfer solutions. The key product of 3Commas Technologies OÜ is the 3Commas platform - a cloud order management system.

Starting with the creation of the product in 2017 by a team of three founders, the company now employs more than 50 people from countries such as Estonia, Canada, the UK, India, Russia, Ukraine, and Indonesia. There are more than 220 thousand 3Commas users around the world!

Being at the forefront of innovative data transmission technologies, the company is constantly looking for new talents and expanding its staff. As of September 2020, the company is looking for experienced backend developers with deep knowledge of Ruby on Rails + Postgresql stack and experience in financial technology to join the 3Commas project.


Required nominees’ qualifications are:

  • Over 3 years of Ruby on Rails development experience;
  • Extensive knowledge of Postgresql;
  • At least Redis / Memcached experience;
  • Ability to follow best practices (development through testing, continuous integration, refactoring, code standards);
  • Experience in creating reliable, scalable, and secure functions;
  • Good communication skills (both online and personal interactions);
  • Connection of external API service.

The company is also constantly improving the visual component of the product, and therefore we also require experienced front-end developers, UX, and UI designers with knowledge of JavaScript, CSS, HTML, React, Redux. Despite the focus on professional skills, the company is always ready to welcome a talented employee without extensive experience and help them develop their skills.

Despite the focus on professional skills, the company is always ready to welcome a talented employee without extensive experience and help them develop their skills.